Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Baby Turns 19!

This is a big day in our house.  My youngest, Kevin, is now 19 years old.  This will be the last year we have a teenager in the house!  Aack!  I'm not sure what to do....

It's been such a blessing to be his mother.  It was a loooong pregnancy.  I was on bedrest the entire nine months, with an eighteen-month-old boy to take care of.  With the help of family and friends we made it through, and moved from our condo into a house in the process as well.  Whew!

And to be perfectly honest, as difficult as that pregnancy was, it was worth every minute of it!  All the monitors, tests, checkups.  Must have had a dozen ultra sounds too ... plus gestatianal diabetes so I had to take injections three times a day .... yup.  When I look at him I would do it again in a heartbeat if I could get Kevin as my reward.

Here are some pictures.  We went to Empire Asian Buffet for dinner (his favorite), saw the movie "Mega Mind," and then came home to homemade tres leches cake and A&W rootbeer.  What a celebration.

Happy Birthday Kevin!!!


Tara said...

Oh I love that baby picture of him! What a cutie! And what an amazing young man he's become!
Happy Birthday K-man!

Mel said...

Happy Birthday Kevin! You are a great young man and it is so great to see how much you love your mother. You did a great job Maureen


Isn't it amazing how our babies grow up so quickly? My oldest baby turned 17 today and it just amazes me that we have had these wonderful years together. At times I wish we could pause the time. Happy Birthday Kevin