Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sometimes it pays ...

I'm not one to verbally complain when I'm in a store. But today I wasn't in a very good mood. I've started going back to the gym this week to try to strenthen my bad leg and knees. The treadmill, the bicycle and the stair climbers were so hard, and I am in a lot of pain. This doesn't excute my behavior, but possible explains it.

So I'm in Safeway and looking at the steaks. Our anniversary is coming up and Stan and I decided we would have a BBQ steak dinner with the boys to celebrate. Safeway had steaks on sale and said they were sold in the family packs.

When I got there the family packs were packages of three steaks. I needed four, and thought that the most common number for a family is five, so what was Safeway thinking? So I complained, I guess a little loudly, to my boys. "This is so dumb!" I cried, and AJ suggested I buy the three and a single one to go with it. "No! That single one is over a dollar a pound more!" I put the steaks back in the tray and added, "I'm just going to go to Costco and get them there."

At that point a meat clerk, who was standing behind me (unbeknownst to myself) and asked what the problem was. When I explained he told me to pick out a single steak that I wanted and he would wrap the four steaks up and charge me the sale price for all of them.

"Really?" I asked. "Absolutely," he replied. "I'd rather not lose your business." Yipee!

I thanked him and as he walked away I turned to AJ and said, "I guess it pays to complain out loud, huh?" I guess so. Can't wait for our anniversary dinner!


Tara said...

How funny! That reminds me of that movie Father of the Bride when he's in the store and rips open the hotdog buns 'cuz all he wants are 8 buns to go with the 8 dogs... remember? Too funny!

What about those steaks from your folks? Didn't they send you steaks? Am I thinking of someone else?????

Rach said...

Lucky!!! What a nice guy, it's good to know some people still have customer service skills. Enjoy your steak!

Brandon and Sommar said...

That's crazy. Stuff like that doesn't happend to me. I would get the guy that would say "don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Good to know there still some nice people out there. Enjoy your steaks!!!