Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

This is a poem Stan wrote many years ago when our boys were little. I thought it appropriate to post it on Father's Day .....

by Stan Mullis

Once I thought that life was boring
Mostly it just left me snoring
Till one day the whole world changed
And now my life's been rearranged

First there was one, now there's two
Who knows what a third might do?
But my days are full of boundless joys
Thanks to the help of two little boys

Both are up at the crack of dawn
Running and playin while I just yawn
Wanting to help when I'm mowing the grass
Yelling and laughing as I bust my buttons

Swinging and sliding down the slide
Get those wiggles out before you come inside
Christmas, birthdays, all those toys
The smiling faces of two little boys

Somewhere life is still mundane
But at our house it's quite insane
Filled with the happiness and noise
Of man and wife and two little boys!


Tara said...

Ha ha..."bust my BUTTONS"! That's funny! Love it Stan!

Tiffany said...

Wow...the gift of writing runs in the family! I would absolutely cherish this poem if I were you!!

Dirk and Trish said...

How cute! I love the last stanza. Your boys are so sweet. Hope you're feeling well.

Rach said...

What a sweet poem!! He really captured the nature of boys in that one. His poem will be such a treasure to your boys, especially when they get older and have boys of their own.

Maureen said...

This poem reminds me of all those times when they used to follow him around the back yard when he was working and they were "helping". Fun memories!